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Главная » Мания » Трибьюты » 1996 - Legends Of Metal

Legends Of Metal Vol. I (CD) (Century Media, Netherlands, 77115-2) (1c)
Label: Century Media. Страна изготовитель: Netherlands. Год выпуска: 1996.
Label Code: LC 6975. Каталожный номер: 77115-2. Barcode: 7277017711523. Code Presswerk: 08.
Matrix: DURECO [01] 77115-5. SID-Code Presswerk: отсутствует. SID-Code CD-Master: отсутствует.

Европейское издание без стикеров или наклеек на коробке или упаковке. Кейс стандартный (Jewel Case) с прозрачным треем. Буклет шестнадцатистраничный. Первая страница цветная, остальные черно-белые. Фронтальная обложка с номером тома. Задник с перфорацией. Инлей с иллюстрацией. Диск изготовлен в Нидерландах на заводе Dureco (Dutch Record Company). Год выпуска предположительно 1996.

Total Time: 59:39.000 (157 833 900 samples). Track Peak Levels: 98,4 / 99,0 / 98,8 / 98,9 / 98,7 / 98,4 / 98,8 / 98,8 / 98,8 / 98,8 / 99,9 / 98,8.

After more than two decades of making Metal we are very proud that these younger bands from different countries have come together to compile from our musical legacy, the first volume of the JUDAS PRIEST tribute albums. These bands are all innovative in their distinctive styles. It is therefore exciting to hear their renditions of these classic PRIEST songs and it is this accolade that makes this tribute album a justifiable addition to any JUDAS PRIEST collection. We would like to thank everyone that has been involved in making this album and all our loyal fans of their years of support and for travelling thousands of miles along the roads that lead to Metal with us. We, THE PRIEST, are about to embark once again on our Metal Mission through the millennium and know you will be there with us.


01. HELLOWEEN - The Hellion / Electric Eye (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 04:06
Vocals - Andi Deris; Guitar - Michael Weikath; Guitar - Roland Grapow; Bass - Markus Grosskopf; Drums - Uli Kusch.
Recorded at: Jailhouse Studio. Produced and mixed by Tommy Hansen. Mixed at: Jailhouse Studio.

02. FATES WARNING - Saints In Hell (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 05:07
Vocals - Rav Alder; Guitar - Jim Matheos; Drums - Mark Zonder; Bass - Joe DiBiase.
Recorded at Bill's Place by Bill Metoyer, Greg Cathcarr and Somewhere Else by George Hideous. Mixed at Bill's Place by Bill Metoyer.

03. GAMMA RAY - Victim Of Changes (Tipton / Halford / Downing / Atkins) - 07:21
Vocals - Kai Hansen; Guitar - Kai Hansen, right side, first solo; Guitar - Dirk Schlatter, lelt side, second solo; Bass - Jan Rubach; Drums - Thomas Nack.
Recorded at: Hansen Studios, Hamburg. Engineered by: Hansen Schlachter. Mixed by: Hansen Schlachter.

04. DEVIN TOWNSEND - Sinner (Tipton / Halford) - 07:56
Vocals - Devin Townsend; Guitars - Devin Townsend / Jed Simon; Bass - John Harder; Drums - Marty Chapman; Keyboards - Devin Townsend.
Recorded at Red Stripe Studios. Engineered by: MC2. Mixed at: Red Stripe Studios by Devin Townsend.

05. MERCYFUL FATE - The Ripper (Tipton) - 02:52
Vocals - King Diamond; Guitar - Michael Denner (1st solo); Guitar - Hank Shermann (2nd solo); Bass - Sharlee D'Angelo; Drums - Bjarne T. Holm.
Recorded at Dallas Sound Lab., Dallas, Texas. Engineered by: Tim Kimsey. Mixed at: Dallas Sound Lab. by: King Diamond, Tim Kimsey and Hank Shermann.

06. RAGE - Jawbreaker (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 03:27
Vocals - Peter 'Реavy' Wagner; Drums - Chris Efthimiadis; Guitar-Spiros Efthimiadis; Guitar-Sven Fischer.
Recorded at: RA. SH Tonstudio, Gelsenkirchen. Produced by Ulli Posselt and Peter 'Peavy' Wagner. Engineered by: Ulli Posselt. Mixed by: Ulli Posselt.

07. RADAKKA - Night Crawler (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 05:52
Vocals - Jon Dobbs; Guitars - Michael Posch; Bass - Randy Jostes; Drums - Dean Maltese; Keyboards - Michael Posch.
Recorded at: Metropolis Studios, Villa Park, Illinois.Engineered by: Bob Pucci. Mixed at Metropolis Studios by Radakka & Bob Pucci. Produced by: Radakka & Bob Pucci.

08. DOOM SQUAD - Burnin' Up (Tipton / Downing) - 03:57
Vocals - John Bush & Whitfield Crane; Guitar - Jorg Fischer; Bass - Joey Vera; Drums - Gonzo.
Recorded at: Eldorado Recording. Engineered by: Bryan Carlstrom Assistant engineers: Annette Cisneros, Brian Jerdan. Mixed at: Eldorado Recording by Bryan Carlstrom.

09. LIONS SHARE - A Touch Of Evil (Tipton / Halford / Downing / Tsangarides) - 05:39
Vocals - Andy Engberg; Guitar - Lars Chriss; Bass - Pontus Egberg; Drums - Man Koleberg; Keyboards - Kay Backlund.
Recorded at: XTC Studios, Airplay Studios, Khabang Studios. Mixed at: Khabang Studios by Niklas Flyckt.

10. TESTAMENT - Rapid Fire (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 03:42
Vocals - Chuck Billy; Guitar - Eric Peterson; Guitar - James Murphy; Bass - Greg Christian; Drums - Chris Kontos.
Drums recorded at TML Studios by Ash. Rhythm guitar and bass guitar recorded at Burnt Offerings Studios. Lead guitar and vocals recorded at Sound Temple Studios. Mixed by Michael Wagener for Double Trouble Production, Inc.

11. U.D.O. - Metal Gods (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 04:09
Vocals - Udo Dirkschneider; Guitar - Stefan Kaufmann; Guitar - Mathias Dieth; Bass - Michael Voss; Drums - Stefan Schwarzmann.
Recorded at: Roxx Studio, Pulheim. Engineered by: Stefan Kaufтaпп. Mixed at: Roxx Studio by Stetan Kaufmann.

12. SAXON - You've Got Another Thing Comin' (Tipton / Halford / Downing) - 05:32
Vocals - Biff Byford; Guitar - Paul Quinn; Guitar II - Doug Scarrat; Bass - Nibbs Carter; Drums - Nigel Glockler.
Produced by. Biff Вyford & Rainer Hansel. Engineered and mixed by: Kalle Trapp. Recorded at: КАRО Studio, Brackel, Germany.

Compiled by: Götz Kühnemund & Borivoj Krgin
Coverartwork by Axel Hermann
Mastered by Ulf Horbelt, DMS
Note: This tribute wouldn't have been possible without all the help from
Thank you very much!

LC 6975

Distribution: SPV in Germany; Rough Trade in Benelux; House Of Kicks in Sweden; Plastic Head in UK; WMD in France; NSM Records in Austria; Disctrade in Switzerland; Flying Rec. in Italy; Donosti Rock in Spain; Musica Alternativa in Portugal; MMP in Poland; Globus, Ma. Bona in Czech Republic; Rock City in Greece; Voices Of Wonder in Norway; Spinefarm in Finland; Nordic Metal in Denmark.
℗ Century Media 1996, Bissenkamp 11-13, 44135 Dortmund, Germany

Категория: 1996 - Legends Of Metal | Добавил: Cibic (01.01.2011)
Просмотров: 1977 | Теги: Helloween, UDO, Testament, Saxon, Mercyful Fate, Gamma Ray, Judas Priest Cover, Fates Warning, Devin Townsend, Rage
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