Label: Radtone Music. Страна изготовитель: Taiwan. Год выпуска: 2011. Каталожный номер: RADC-061. Barcode: 4935228110049. Матричный номер: RADC-061 Made In Taiwan IFPI LB80110525231N. SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 2N44. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LB80. Дальневосточное издание в инлей кейсе с обишкой. Диск произведен в Тайване для японского рынка. Буклет полноцветный двенадцатистраничный - книжечкой, плюс черно-белый восьмистраничный - листом. Дата поступления в продажу 6 июля 2011 года. Total Time: 1:07:32.200 (178702020 samples). Track Peak Levels: 75,6 / 100 / 99,9 / 91,1 / 91,1 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 67,6 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9.   Band Members: Chelsea Knaack - Lead Vocalist Frank Tosi - Lead Guitars / Backing Vocals Nick Gati - Keyboards / Orchestration / Backing Vocals Ronald Porcelli - Bass / Backing Vocals Mike Marrone - Drums & Percussion Guest Musicians: Tim "Ripper" Owens - Male Vocals on The Burning MartyrAmanda Somerville - Duet on Into Shadow Joe Stump - Guitar Solo on The Burning Martyr Sander Gommans - Guitar Solo on In Dreams 01. The Descent - 01:21 02. The Acquiescence of Illusion - 06:29 03. Under the Dark Wings of Fire - 03:51 04. Transitus (A Passing) - 01:23 05. Iago - 08:55 06. Requiem - 01:12 07. Into Shadow - 05:10 08. A Soul in Exile - 07:59 09. Through the Gates - 05:37 10. Sands of Time - 01:42 11. Hands of Fate - 04:31 12. The Burning Martyr - 05:30 13. In the Absence of Light - 08:56 14. In Dreams (Bonus Track) - 04:57
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered at Primetime Sound Studios, Mt. Vernon, NY. Produced by DesDemon, Tarik Solangi, & All illustrations and artworks by Gaetano Di Falco Gaetano Di Falco's Muse and model: Seffana. Japan additional design and layout by Sekky. (p)&(c) DESDEMON ™ (USA) 2011. ALL RIGHTS OF THE MANUFACTURER AND OF THE OWNER RESERVED. Licensed by RADTONE MUSIC / MEDIA FACTORY, INC. JAPAN. FOR SALE IN JAPAN ONLY. PRINTED IN TAIWAN. Manufactured and Distributed by RADTONE MUSIC / MEDIA FACTORY, INC. JAPAN.