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Главная » Мания » Видео » 2010 - The Judas Priest Story

The Judas Priest Story (2DVD) (Komet, France, KOM4022)
 Label: Komet Media Management Ltd.. Страна производитель: France. Каталожный номер: KOM4022.
Год выпуска: 2010. Бар код: 823880040221.
Матричный номер DVD 1: DV KOM4022DVD1 @. Матричный номер DVD 2: DV KOM4022DVD2 @@.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 1280 / IFPI 1280. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L039 / IFPI LY88.

"Collectors Edition 2 DVD Set". Европейское издание в толстой пластиковой коробке. Произведено во Франции на заводе MPO. Содержимое дивиди дисков полностью идентично изданию "2008 - Breaking The Laws".

В записи принимало участие куча разнообразного народа в том числе критики и музыковеды, особенно на первом дивиди.

This is the long awaited critical review of Judas Priest in concert, on record and on film. Drawing on rare footage of Judas Priest performing live this is the definitive retrospective of the career of one of the most influential heavy metal bands of the last thirty years. This independent film features a team of leading critics and musicologists in a penetrating journey from Judas Priest's humble beginnings during the late 70s as one of the many midlands' metal bands, through to the platinum album years and beyond. Hard-hitting and forthright, the critics pull no punches when it comes to discussing what worked in the music and why sometimes, it didn't.

Metal Gods
Heavy Duty
Headin' Out To The Highway
Turbo Lover
and more...


Get a taste for leather! Experience the explosive power of Judas Priest first hand with a critic's choice of some of their finest performances ever captured on film.

Breaking The Law
You've Got Another Thing Coming
Living After Midnight
The Green Manslishi (With The Two Pronged Crown)

Not For Sale In The USA. This product is produced for sale in the UK and is produced strictly in accordance with the 1988 Copyright Act. The Product is not authorised for sale in the USA. Please bring this notice to the attention of any US retailer offering this product.

EDITORIAL CONTROL: This project requires totally independent editorial control. These DVDs are 100% independent and have not been approved by past or present members of Judas Priest or their management. NB: These DVDs may highlight the limitations of the original film recording or the source material.
© Komet Media Management Ltd WARNING For private domestic use only. Any unauthorised copying, hiring, lending or public performance of these DVDs and books is illegal. Made in the EU. Photographs © Pictorial Press
COPYRIGHT WARNING: These performances are issued under licence. The provisions of the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act apply in relation to these sound recordings, films and performances. Attention is specifically drawn to Sections 16(b) and 181 in respect of qualifying broadcasts as defined by Statutory Instrument 1991 No1751 (Application to other countries) Order. Reciprocal Protection for performers are granted by Statutory Instrument 2003 no 773 (Convention Countries and Isle of Man) Order, and to Section 30 in respect of criticism or review. Sandbeach Holdings Ltd reserves all rights of action against any third party interfering with the lawful distribution of this product.

Категория: 2010 - The Judas Priest Story | Добавил: Marko (26.04.2011)
Просмотров: 2143 | Теги: Fleetwood Mac Cover, video, Chris Tsangarides, Judas Priest, Rob Halford, Collectors Edition, DVD, live
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