Label: BMG Distribution. Страна производитель: USA. Год выпуска: 1997.
Каталожный номер: CMCDJ 87247-2. Barcode: отсутствует. Matrix: CMCDJ872472 ++ 83443-01 SONOPRESS USA. SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 1044. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L027. Однопесенный промо сингл американского производства. Буклет - двухсторонняя вставка, обратная страница пустая. Компакт диск изготовлен в США на заводе Sonopress LLC. Год выпуска 1997.
Total Time: 4:00.800 (10619280 samples). Track Peak Levels: 100. 01. Burn In Hell - 04:01
From The Album JUGULATOR selection # 86224.
For Promotional Use Only.
Written by: Glenn Tipton & K.K. Downing. Produced by: Glenn Tipton, K.K. Downing & Sean Lynch. EMI Songs Ltd.
(p)&(c) 1997 CMC International Records. Manufactured and distributed in the United States by BMG Distribution, a unit of BMG Entertainment, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. BMG is a trademark of BMG Music. All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited. Made in the USA.
BMG Distribution
CMC International
1-919-875-3500 (p)&(c) 1997 CMC International Records. Web Address: Manufactured and Distributed in the United States by BMG Distribution, a unit of BMG Entertainment, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. BMG is a trademark of BMG Music. Unauthorized copying is against federal law. Made in the USA