Label: KOCH Records. Страна производитель: USA. Год выпуска: 2008. Каталожный номер: KOC-LP-4582. Barcode: 099923458210. Matrix A: LP-4582-A S-67245 JP-HERO-A. Matrix B:
S-67246 LP-4582-B.
Matrix C: LP-4582-C S-67247. Matrix D:
S-67248 Z-BL.
Американское гатефолдовое издание из серии "Limited Edition 180 Gram Vinyl". Матричные номера нанесены прописью. Компиляция двух первых альбомов Judas Priest. Не содержит оригинальные ремиксовые треки от Роджера Бэйна, как на галловском первопрессе. Год выпуска предположительно 2008.
Rob Halford: vocals K.K.Downing: guitars Glen Tipton: guitars Ian Hill: bass guitar John Hinch: drums (†) Alan Moore: drums (‡)
1. Prelude ‡ (Tipton) 2. Tyrant ‡ (Tipton / Halford) 3. Rocka Rolla
(Tipton / Downing / Halford) 4. One For The Road
(Downing / Halford)
SIDE B: 1. Victim Of Changes ‡ (Downing / Halford / Tipton / Atkins) 2. Dying To Meet You
(Downing / Halford) 3. Never Satisfied
(Downing / Atkins)
SIDE C: 1. Dreamer Deceiver ‡ (Downing / Halford / Tipton / Atkins) 2. Deceiver ‡ (Downing / Halford / Tipton) 3. Winter
(Downing / Hill / Atkins) 11. Deep Freeze (Downing) 4. Winter Retreat (Downing / Halford) 5. Cheater (Downing / Halford)
SIDE D: 1. Diamonds And Rust ‡ (Baez) 2. Run Of The Mill † (Downing / Halford / Tipton) 3. Genocide ‡ (Tipton / Halford / Downing) 4. Caviar And Meths † (Atkins)
Produced by Roger Bain (†) and Jeffrey Calvert, Max West & Judas Priest (‡). All songs published by Gull Songs except Diamonds And Rust, published by Carlin Music Corporation. Illustration: Melvyn. Sleeve Design: David Howells. Judas Priest logo design: John Pasche. Producer for reissue by Dave Nives. Reissue package: Brad Wrolstad.
(p) & (c) KOCH Entertainment LP. Manufactured and Distributed by KOCH records. A KOCH Entertainment Company. 740 Broadway, New York, NY 10003. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. Made in U.S.A. KOC-LP-4582.