Label: Nuclear Blast. Страна производитель: Germany. Каталожный номер: NB 620-2. Год выпуска: 2001.
Barcode: 727361662028. Matrix: DOCdata Germany NB 0620-2. SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 5225. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LL88. Немецкое дижипаковое издание без буклета изготовленное на заводе DOCdata. Год выпуска 2001.
HammerFall is: Oscar Dronjak, Joacim Cans, Stefan Elmgren, Anders Johansson, Magnus Rosen
attention HammerFall fans!
"special" line-up appearance on track 4: Oscar Dronjak (vocals), Joacim Cans (guitars) Stefan Elmgren (drums), Anders Johansson (bass) Magnus Rosen (guitars) 01. Always Will Be (Dronjak) - 04:50
published by Warner / Chappell and Prophecies Publishing taken from the album 'Renegade' 02. The Fallen One (Dronjak / Cans / Strömblad) - 04:21 published by Prophecies Publishing taken from the album 'Legacy Of Kings' 03. Always Will Be (Acoustic Version) (Dronjak / Cans / Strömblad) - 04:48 published by Prophecies Publishing previously unreleased 04. Breaking The Law (Halford / Tipton / Downing) - 02:12 Arnakata Music Ltd. / Warner Brothers Music Ltd. previously unreleased
Front cover photo by Michael Johansson. Packaging design by Sander N.