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Главная » Мания » Judas Priest Cover » Gutrix - Exciter

Gutrix - Mushroom Songs (CD) (New Renaissance, USA, NRCD-106)
Label: New Renaissance. Страна изготовитель: USA. Год выпуска: 1999.
Каталожный номер: NRCD-106. Barcode: 018936610620. Матричный номер: RBO462-NRCD106 C2 504887-02.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI A601. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L892.

Американское лимитированное (1907 / 2200) издание. Буклет двенадцатистраничный - книжечкой. Год выпуска предположительно 1999.

Total Time: 47:06.293 (124639536 samples).
Track Peak Levels: 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 83,0 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,7 / 99,9
/ 99,9 / 99,9.

Bernie Versailles - guitars
Juan Garcia - guitars
Michael Zaputil - bass
Chuck Profus - drums
John Cyriis - vocals

01. Inzane (Shermann / Plougmann) - 03:20
02. Natural Born (Shermann / Plougmann) - 02:54
03. Out of Control (Shermann / Plougmann) - 04:00
04. The Mushroom Song (Shermann / Plougmann) - 05:33
05. Move Over (J. Joplin) - 03:34
06. Water (Weiergang) - 01:07
07. Hell To Pay (Shermann / Plougmann) - 03:44
08. Sky's the Limit (Shermann / Plougmann) - 04:17
09. Seven Falls (Shermann) - 01:37
10. Exciter (Tipton / Halford) - 05:44
11. Crazy (S. Walden) - 04:42
12. Bolivian Mountains (Weiergang) - 06:30

All Songs Arranged by Gutrix. Recorded and mixed entirely at Los Angered Recording Studio, Gothenburg, Sweden between November and December 1995 and January 1996. "Exciter" recorded live at the Moorhsum Dica Club, Gothenburg. Produced by Gutrix and Anders Allhage. Engineered by: Anders Allhage. Assistant Handyman: Rizza. Mastered By: Tomas Ferngren at Digitalfabriken, Gothenburg, Sweden. Cover Painting: Nils Petter Ekwall. Booklet: Andreas Markewärn. Photos By: Jan "Nutz" Nautvik.
Категория: Gutrix - Exciter | Добавил: Cibic (10.11.2011)
Просмотров: 1612 | Теги: Stray Dog Cover, Janis Joplin Cover, Andy LaRocque, Mercyful Fate, Judas Priest Cover
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