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Главная » Мания » Judas Priest Cover » Austrian Death Machine - Hell Bent For Leather

A Very Brutal Christmas (CD) (Metal Blade, Canada, 3984-14719-2)
Label: Metal Blade. Страна производитель: Canada. Каталожный номер: 3984-14719-2. Год выпуска: 2008.
Бар код: 039841471922. Матричный номер: DADR 083R8<7248>147192.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 8116. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L489.

Трёхпесенный сингл австрийской группы Austrian Death Machine изготовленный в Канаде на заводе Sony DADR. Выходил в виде дижипака с небольшой односторонней вставкой с кодами рингтонов.

Ahhnold: 6'2" / 240 lbs - Vox
Tim Lambesis: 6'3" / 201 lbs - Guitars
Tim Lambesis: 6'3" / 201 lbs - Bass
Tim Lambesis: 6'3" / 201 lbs - Drums
TOTAL = 2 MEMBERS & 843 lbs

01. Jingle Bells - 03:02
Jingle Bells credits: Tim Lambesis with help by... Jeff Gretz on drums Chad Ackerman & Ahhnold who appear courtesy of Solid State Records JP Gericke on rhythm & bass guitar Mark MacDonald on lead guitar.

02. Get To The Choppa - 02:47
Get to the Choppa credits: Tim Lambesis with help by... Chad Ackerman & Ahhnold who appear courtesy of Solid State Records Jason Suecof on lead guitar Mike Catalano's fine cymbal work JP Gericke on rhythm & bass guitar
Written by Tim Lambesis Published by Bidunkadunk Music (ASCAP)

03. Hell Bent For Leather - 02:58
Hell Bent For Leather credits: Tim Lambesis with help by... Jeff Gretz on drums
Chad Ackerman & Ahhnold who appear courtesy of Solid State Records JP Gericke on rhythm & bass guitar Mark MacDonald on lead guitar
Written by Glenn Tipton Published by EMI Music Publishing.

Produced by Tim Lambesis. Engineered & Mixed by Daniel Сastleman. Recorded at Lambesis Studios in San Marcos, СA. Cover art by Ed Repka. Layout by Brian Ames.
Thanks to...
Santa Сlaus (even though you're a girly man and need to start working out), Judas Priest, the super old dude who wrote Jingle Bells, the biker dude from T2 who burns his hands on the stove before giving up is sweet leather clothes and motorcycle, Daniel Castleman, Jon Upson,Jon Rice, Josh Gilbert, Wade McKenna.

Категория: Austrian Death Machine - Hell Bent For Leather | Добавил: Cibic (22.04.2011)
Просмотров: 1713 | Теги: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Judas Priest Cover, CD, Single, Austrian Death Machine, Jingle Bells
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