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Главная » Мания » Queens Of The Stone Age » 2000 - R

R (CD) (Interscope, USA, 069490683-2)
Label: Interscope. Страна изготовитель: USA. Год выпуска: неизвестен.
Каталожный номер: 069490683-2. Barcode: 606949068325. Matrix: INTF100772 0792816988.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 2A47. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L771.

Американское издание в обычной коробке. Буклет восьми страничный - книжечкой, с черно-белыми страницами. Диск изготовлен в США на заводе Matsushita Universal Media Services LLC. Год выпуска пока неизвестен.

Total Time: 42:14.333 (111764100 samples). Track Peak Levels: 99,8 / 99,8 / 96,2 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8 / 99,8.

Joshua Homme - guitar (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12), lead vocals (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11), percussion (3, 8), drums (4), lead guitar (4, 7), backing vocals (4, 8), guitars (10), piano (11)
Nick Oliveri - bass (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), percussion (8), lead vocals (4, 7, 9), backing vocals (1, 2, 5, 6, 11), guitar (4)
Gene Trautmann - drums (1, 6, 7, 9)
Dave Catching - electric piano (1, 2, 8), guitar (6, 7), lap steel (1, 11), b3 (4), piano (5), 12 string guitar (10)
Chris Goss - bass (4), percussion (1), backing vocals (4, 5), grand piano (1), noise piano (2)
Nick Lugero - drums (1, 3, 5, 8, 11), percussion (3, 4)
Barrett Martin - percussion (5, 10), steel drum (11), vibes (2, 5)
Scott Mayo - horns (11), baritone sax (2)
Mark Lanegan - lead vocals (8), backing vocals (4, 11)
Fernando Pullum - flugal horn (7), horns (11)
Peter Stahl - backing vocals (2)
Nick Eldorado - backing vocals (1, 7)
Rob Halford - backing vocals (1)
Wendy Ray Moan - backing vocals (1, 7)
Mike Johnson - backing vocals (3)
Marek - noise (8)
Reggie Young - horn (11)

01. Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (0) - 02:44
02. Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret (*) - 03:36
03. Leg Of Lamb (*) - 02:49
04. Auto Pilot (*) - 04:01
05. Better Living Through Chemistry (0) - 05:49
06. Monsters In The Parasol (*) - 03:28
07. Quick And The Pointless (*) - 01:42
08. In The Fade (0) - 04:26
09. Tension Head (0) - 02:53
10. Lightning Song (*) - 02:07
11. I Think I Lost My Headache (* & +) - 08:40

Produced By Chris Goss And Joshua Homme (The Fiffiff Teeners). Recorded At Sound City Studios, Van Nuys, Ca From December 1999 To February 2000. Technical Coordinator Shivaun O'brien. Recorded By Trina Shoemaker. * Mixed By Trina Shoemaker. ? Mixed By Marek. + Mixed By Joshua Homme. Additional Recording On "In The Fade" And "Tension Head" Brad Cook. Second Engineer Marek. Guitar Tech - Dan Druff For Low Tech. Drum Tech Gersh For Drum Fetish. Sequence And Assembly Engineer Martin Schmelzle. Рrе Production Assistance By Bob Brunner At Mates Rehearsal Studio N. Hollywood, CA. A&R Debbie Southwood-Smith. A&R Assistance Lisa Ballard. Art Direction Francesca Restrepo/Design Palace. Art Concept Joshua Homme & Nick Oliveri. Photography Davis Factor. CD Photo Nigel Kopp. All Songs By Joshua Homme (Board Stiff Music, BMI) And Nick Oliveri (Natural Light Music, BMI) (Except "Monsters In The Parasol" By Joshua Homme And Mario Lalli, Blood Onion Music, BMI; "Into The Fade" By Joshua Homme And Mark Lanegan And "Lightning Song" By Dave Catching, Itcamefrombeyond, ASCAP). Managed By Ted Gardner And Pete Riedling For Larrikin Management. U.S. Booking Robby Fraser For The William Morris Agency. European Booking Steve Strange For Helter Skelter. Tour Management - Adam Parsons Foh Sound/Guru Hutch. Business Manager-Scott Padell For Padell, Nadell, Fine, Weinburger & Co. Viva La Ween "Better Living Through Chemistry" Chorus Inspired By Bjork. Dean Markley David Leinhard. Ludwig Todd Trent @ Ontario Music. Paiste Int'l Steve Rifkin. Axis Percussion Darrell Johnston.

Interscope Records, 2220 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404 Manufactured and distributed in the United States by Universal Music & Video Distribution, Inc. (p)(c) 2000 Interscope Records. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this recording is prohibited by Federal law and is subject to criminal prosecution.
Категория: 2000 - R | Добавил: Cibic (21.07.2012)
Просмотров: 1461 | Комментарии: 2 | Теги: Queens Of The Stone Age, Interscope, Rob Halford
Всего комментариев: 2
1 ocotes   (01.12.2012 06:08) [Материал]
In the main page is stated
Queens Of The Stone Age

2000 - Never Say Never

Is Rob Halford in that song as I don't wish to buy the special deluxe cd
and here
I cant listen to him
Is it stated in the booklet?

2 Марко   (01.12.2012 09:20) [Материал]
"2000 - Never Say Never" this single (not song) contains track "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer" from album "R"

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