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Главная » Мания » Halford » 2000 - Resurrection

Resurrection (LP) (Metal-Is, UK, MISLP001)
Label: Metal-Is. Страна производитель: UK. Год выпуска: 2000.
Каталожный номер: MISLP001. Barcode: 5038456900112.
Матричные номера: MISLP001 A-01-1- / MISLP001 B-01-1-.

Английское одновинильное гатефолдовое издание. Матричные номера нанесены печатными знаками. Год выпуска 2000.


Rob Halford - vox
Patrick Lachman - guitars
Mike Chlasciak - guitars
Ray Riendeau - bass
Bobby Jarzombek - drums

01. Resurrection (R. Halford, P. Lachman, J. Baxter, Roy Z.)
02. Made In Hell
(R. Halford, Roy Z., J. Baxter)
03. Locked And Loaded (R. Halford, P. Lachman, Roy Z.)
04. Night Fall (R. Halford, P. Lachman, M. Chlasciak)
05. Silent Screams (R. Halford, B. Marlette)
06. The One You Love To Hate (R. Halford, B. Dickinson, Roy Z.)

07. Cyberworld (R. Halford, M. Chlasciak, Roy Z.)
08. Slow Down (R. Halford, B. Marlette, Roy Z.)
09. Twist (Bob Halligan, Jr)
10. Temptation (R. Halford, P. Lachman, M. Chlasciak, Roy Z.)
11. Drive (R. Halford, Roy Z., B. Marlette)
12. Saviour (R. Halford, P. Lachman, Roy Z.)

Resurrection is the result of thousands of hours of work from August 15, 1998 - June 27, 2000. Thanks to the following that assisted us in making this recording:
Additional Lead Vocals on The One You Love To Hate', Bruce Dickinson. Drums on: 'The One You Love To Hate': Pete Parada. Keyboards on: 'Twist' & 'Silent Screams': Ed Ross. Drums Recorded At: Sound City - Van Nuys, CA. / Billy Bowers: Engineer / Mike Terry: Asst. Engineer / Mike Fasano: Drum. Tuning Guitars, Bass & Other Instrumentation Recorded At: Silver Cloud - Burbank, CA. / Joe Floyd & Roy Z.: Engineers / Richard "the Guru" Carrette: Digital Editing. Additional Instrumentation Recorded At: American Recording - Calabasas, CA. / Bill Cooper Engineer. Vox & Additional Instrumentation Recorded At: Bauwhaus Studios - Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Attie Bauw Engineer. Mixed At: Bauwhaus Studios - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Attie Bauw and Mi Sueno Recording Studios-Tenerife, Spain: Charlie Baurfeind. Mastered At: Sterling Sound - New York, New York by George Marino. Gracious recognition is extended to: The Metal God's Quorum - www.RobHalford.com - This record is dedicated to each of you. Rod & Merck, Steve McTaggart, Nikki Affleck, Dave Pattenden, Martin Haxby, Bob Ward, Vicky Sellicks, Johnnie Allan and all at Sanctuary. Polly Polglase and Sarah Philp at Metal-ls.com.

Produced by: Roy Z. Executive Producer / A&R: John Baxter. Management: Rod Smallwood and Merck Mercuriadis Sanctuary Music Management Ltd. - London / New York. Photography: John Eder & Fin Costello. Front Cover Design: Peacock, London. Booklet Design: Hugh Gilmour @ Sanctuary Records.

Metal-ls, A division of Sanctuary Records Group
© 2000 the copyright in these sound recordings is owned by Sanctuary Copyrights Ltd 
(p) 2000 Rоb Halford Music Ltd

Категория: 2000 - Resurrection | Добавил: Cibic (26.04.2012)
Просмотров: 1946 | Теги: Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden, Pete Parada, Judas Priest, Halford, Bob Halligan Jr., John Baxter, Roy Z, Ed Ross
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