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Главная » Мания » Fight » 2008 - K5 The War Of Words Demos

K5 - The War Of Words Demos (CD) (Metal God, Germany, MGE7077104)
Label: Metal God Entertainment. Страна производитель: Germany. Год выпуска: 2007.
Каталожный номер: MGE7077104. Barcode: 879337000133. Matrix: A712830-01.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 9705. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI L572.

Немецкое издание со стикером "Rob Halford - The Metal God Includes 5 New Songs. Parental Advisory Explicit Content" на инлей кейсе. Буклет полноцветный, двадцатистраничный - книжечкой. Диск изготовлен в Германии на заводе Optimal Media Production GmbH. Год выпуска предположительно 2007. На заднике в треклисте стоит NEW 2007, в буклете на двадцатой странице NEW 2006.

Total Time: 1:10:49.107 (187385604 samples).
Track Peak Levels: 100 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 99,1 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 96,6 / 93,3 / 96,9 / 96,6 / 100 / 96,6 / 96,6.

Rob Halford - vox
Brian Tilse - guitars
Russ Parrish - guitars
Jay Jay - bass
Scott Travis - drums

01. Into The Pit - 04:35
02. Nailed To The Gun - 03:35
03. Now You Die - NEW 2006 - 03:39
04. Life In Black - 04:54
05. Kill It* - 03:34
06. Contortion - 04:22
07. Forbidden - NEW 2006* - 04:44
08. War Of Words - 04:59
09. Psycho Suicide - 04:48
10. Down - NEW 2006 - 04:41
11. Vicious* - 03:16
12. Beast Denies - NEW 2006* - 04:49
13. Laid To Rest* - 05:24
14. Jesus Saves* - 03:40
15. Dead Men Talk - NEW 2006 - 05:12
16. For All Eternity - 04:36

Words And Music: Rob Halford. Track 8: Preamble: U.S. Constitution. Produced By: Rob Halford. Executive Producer: John Baxter. Management: John Baxter / EMAS, Inc. Multi-Track Mixes: Roy Z. (2006). * DAT Demo Mixes (1992): Rob Halford. Recorded In Phoenix, Az July 1992. Mastered By: Tom Baker - Precision Mastering Los Angeles, Ca. (2006). Legal: Andrew Thompson - Lee & Thompson U.K. Public Relations and Product Management: Chip Ruggieri. Cover illustration/Art Design: Marc Sasso. Booklet Layout/Additional Art: Attila Juhasz. Photography: Neil Zlozower, William Hames, John Baxter.

(p)&(c) 2007 The copyright in these sound recordings are owned by MGE LLC/RHML All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws.
Категория: 2008 - K5 The War Of Words Demos | Добавил: Cibic (19.11.2011)
Просмотров: 1524 | Теги: Fight, Scott Travis, Jay Jay Brown, Rob Halford, Demos, Brian Tilse, Roy Z, War Of Words, Russ Parrish
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