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Главная » Мания » Бутлеги » 2008 - Dawn Of Creation

Dawn Of Creation. World Tour 2008 (2CD) (Sentinel, Australia, SR 5308-1/2)
Label: Sentinel. Страна изготовитель: Australia. Год выпуска: 2008.
Каталожный номер: SR-5308-1/2. Barcode: 9562482647889.
Rights Society: GEMA. Label Code: LC 5308. SPARS code: ADD.
CD 1: Matrix #: SR 5508-1. SID-Code Presswerk: отсутствует. SID-Code CD-Master: отсутствует.
CD 2: Matrix #: SR 5508-2. SID-Code Presswerk: отсутствует. SID-Code CD-Master: отсутствует.

Двухдисковый лимитированный бутлег. Качественный четырёхпанельный дижипак без буклета. Страна изготовитель неизвестна, надпись на задней обложке 'Made in Australia' скорей всего фиктивная. Код лэйбла несуществующий. Штрих код фальшивый и также используется на других релизах лейбла. Диски заводского изготовления, Silver CD, производитель неизвестен. Матричные номера не соответствуют каталожным. Год выпуска предположительно 2008.

CD 1 - Total Time: 1:17:32.000 (205 153 200 samples).
Track Peak Levels: 98,4 / 99,5 / 99,9 / 99,2 / 99,7 / 99,5 / 99,6 / 99,5 / 99,6 / 99,4 / 99,4 / 99,5 / 99,6 / 99,4 / 99,7.
CD 2 - Total Time: 1:15:18.533 (199 267 320 samples).
Track Peak Levels: 99,3 / 99,3 / 98,0 / 99,9 / 100 / 99,8 / 99,5 / 99,6 / 99,6 / 99,4 / 99,9 / 99,9 / 99,6 / 99,9 / 100.

(TOTAL 77:32)
01. Intro Dawn Of Creation - 2:47
02. Prophecy - 5:03
03. Metal Gods - 4:44
04. Eat Me Alive - 4:31
05. Between The Hammer And The Anvil - 4:51
06. Devil's Child - 5:38
07. Breaking The Law (Featuring DORO) - 3:04
08. Hell Patrol - 4:16
09. Death - 8:03
10. Dissident Aggressor - 3:13
11. Angel - 4:17
12. The Hellion / Electric Eye - 4:58
13. Rock Ride Free - 6:59
14. Sinner - 8:05
15. Painkiller - 7:01

(TOTAL 75:18)
01. Hell Ben't For Leather - 4:45
02. Green Manalishi (With The Two Pronged Crown) - 4:16
03. The Singing Game - 1:52
04. You've Got Another Thing Coming - 7:37
05. Dark Saga - 3:37
06. Vengeance Is Mine - 3:58
07. Burning Times - 3:31
08. Declaration Day - 4:28
09. Violate - 4:17
10. Pure Evil - 7:03
11. Ten Thousand Strong - 4:29
12. Dracula - 6:45
13. The Coming Curse - 8:05
14. Melancholy (Holy Martyr) - 4:52
15. Iced Earth - 5:44

Live At The Philipshalle in Düsseldorf On June, 24th 2008. From The Original Source! No Downloaded MP3-Files! All Tracks Are Taken From The Original Source. A Direct Recorded High Quality Dat-Tape (Digital Audio Tape). No Downloaded And Compressed MP3-Files! Strictly Limited Tour Edition! 777 Copies only!

All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproducted reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this record prohibited.

℗ 2008 Produced by HARD'N'HEAVY Ltd. and JUDAS PRIEST for SENTINEL-RECORDS. Manufactured and distributed in Australia by BPSP MUSIC. © 2008 The copyright in this Sound recording is owned by HARD'N'HEAVY Ltd. A division of Victoria Studios Canada Ldt. 2450 Universal Park Ave, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4A2. Ail rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this record prohibited. On some equipment, for example car CD players, playback problems may be encountered. For more information: www.judaspriest.com, www.judas-priest.com, www.judaspriest.org, www.icedearth.com, www.powermetal.de
Made in Australia.

Категория: 2008 - Dawn Of Creation | Добавил: Cibic (28.08.2018)
Просмотров: 1357 | Теги: Silver CD, Digipack, Judas Priest, Bootleg, Sentinel, germany, live
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