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Главная » Мания » Альбомы » 2008 - Nostradamus

Nostradamus (2CD) (Red Ink, Canada, 88697307082)
Label: Red Ink. Страна производитель: Canada. Каталожный номер: 88697307082. Дата выпуска: 2008.
Бар код: 886973070826. Матричный номер: 88697307082 disc 1 S18616 / 88697307082 disc 2 S18617.
SID-Code Presswerk: IFPI 6710 / IFPI 6710. SID-Code CD-Master: IFPI LW60 / IFPI LW60.

Канадское издание в инлэй кейсе. Буклет полноцветный двадцатичетырёх страничный - книжечкой..

CD 1 - Total Time: 56:02.253 (148275372 samples). Track Peak Levels: 79,9 / 98,7 / 86,7 / 98,7 / 64,0 / 98,7 / 98,7 / 98,7 / 97,2 / 92,0 / 96,5 / 94,5 / 98,7.
CD 2 - Total Time: 46:44.507 (123 678 744 samples). Track Peak Levels: 45,7 / 95,6 / 95,6 / 84,2 / 96,1 / 71,1 / 98,7 / 69,2 / 95,0 / 96,8.


Rob Halford - vocals
Glenn Tipton - Guitars & Synthesized Guitars
K.K. Downing - Guitars & Synthesized Guitars
Ian Hill - bass guitars
Scott Travis - drums

Disc 1:
01. Dawn Of Creation - 02:32
02. Prophecy - 05:26
03. Awakening - 00:53
04. Revelations - 07:05
05. The Four Horsemen - 01:35
06. War - 05:04
07. Sands Of Time - 02:37
08. Pestilence And Plague - 05:09
09. Death - 07:34
10. Peace - 02:22
11. Conquest - 04:42
12. Lost Love - 04:28
13. Persecution - 06:34

Disc 2:
01. Solitude - 01:23
02. Exiled - 06:33
03. Alone - 07:50
04. Shadows In The Flame - 01:10
05. Visions - 05:24
06. Hope - 02:09
07. New Beginnings - 04:57
08. Calm Before The Storm - 02:05
09. Nostradamus - 06:43
10. Future Of Mankind - 08:30

Produced by: Glenn Tipton & K. K. Downing. Engineered by: Richard Wood. Mixed By: Attie Bauw at Bauwhaus Amsterdam, with Glenn Tipton & K. K. Downing. Recorded at: The Old Smithy Studio, UK. Mastered by Attie Bauw at Bauwhaus Amsterdam & Darius Van Helftere at Amsterdam Mastering. Management: Bill Curbishley & Jayne Andrews. All Songs Written & Arranged by: Tipton / Halford / Downing. Special Thanks To Don Airey. Real Strings: Pete Whitfield. Artwork: Mark Wilkinson.

(p) & © 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (UK) Limited. Distributed by/Distribue par red ink, a unit of SONY BMG MUSIC (CANADA) INC. All TMs used under licence. Unauthorized duplication or rental is a violation of applicable laws. All rights reserved. Made in/lmprime au Canada.

© & © 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (UK) Limited. Distributed by/Distribue par red ink, a unit of SONY BMG MUSIC (CANADA) INC., 150 Ferrand Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3С 3E5. Epic logo is a registered trademark of SONY BUG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. "SONY" and "BMG", as used in the names "SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT" and "SONY BMG MUSIC (CANADA) INC.". are the trademarks of, and are used under licence from, Sony Corporation and Bertelsmann AG, respectively. All TMs used under licence. Unauthorized duplication or rental is a violation of applicable laws. All rights reserved. Printed in/lmprime au Canada.

Категория: 2008 - Nostradamus | Добавил: Cibic (05.06.2014)
Просмотров: 3204 | Теги: Don Airey, CD, Mark Wilkinson, Scott Travis, K. K. Downing, Rob Halford, Ian Hill, Nostradamus, Glenn Tipton
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