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Главная » Мания » Альбомы » 1984 - Defenders Of The Faith

Defenders Of The Faith (LP) (CBS, Holland, CBS 25713) (2)
Label: CBS. Страна производитель: Holland. Каталожный номер: CBS 25713. Год выпуска: неизвестен.
Бар код: отсутствует. Matrix: 01-25713-1A-1 P AL-39219-INTL-3 D / NL 01-25713-IB-1 P BL-39219-INTL-3 E. 

Голандское издание. В отличие от издания "Defenders Of The Faith (LP) (CBS, Holland, CBS 25713) (1)" имеет другие матричные номера и стикер "Includes the single Freewheel Burning" на обложке. Матричные номера процарапаны прописью плюс печатный штамп STERLING с обоих сторон. Год выпуска пока неизвестен.

Rob Halford: Lead Vocals
Glenn Tipton: Lead Guitars
K.K. Downing: Lead Guitars
Ian Hill: Bass Guitar
Dave Holland: Drums

Lead Breaks:
Freewheel Burning: Glenn
Jawbreaker: K.K.
Eat Me Alive: Split into four equal quarters- K.K./Glenn/K.K./Glenn
Rock Hard Ride Free: Intro Glenn, Harmony section both, Lead Break K.K./Glenn/& Harmony section at end both
Some Heads Are Gonna Roll: Split into two-Glenn/K.K.
Night Comes Down: Both The Sentinel: (Split into seven sections) Glenn/K.K./Glenn/K.K./Glenn/K.K./Both

01. Freewheel Burning (G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 04:24
02. Jawbreaker
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 03:26
03. Rock Hard Ride Free
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 05:34
04. The Sentinel
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 05:04
05. Love Bites
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 04:47
06. Eat Me Alive
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 03:34
07. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll (Bob Halligan Jr.) - 04:05
08. Night Comes Down
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 03:58
09. Heavy Duty
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 02:25
10. Defenders Of the Faith
(G. Tipton - R. Halford - K.K. Downing) - 01:30

All songs written by Glenn Tipton, Rob Halford and K.K. Downing. © 1984 April Music Inc., Crewglen Ltd., Ebonytree Ltd. and Geargate Ltd. Administered by April Music Inc. (ASCAP) except "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll," written by Bob Halligan, Jr. © 1983 Screen Gems-EMI Music Inc. (BMI). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
Produced By: Tom Allom. Engineered By: Mark Dodson. Assistant Engineers: Christian Eser, Bruce Hensal, David Roeder, Ben King, Buddy Thornton. Management: Bill Curbishley. Agency Representation: Premier Talent Agency. Cover Conceived by Judas Priest and Designed By: Doug Johnson. Recorded in Europe. Mixed at DB Recording Studios, Miami, Florida and Bayshore Studios, Miami, Florida. Mastered at Sterling Sound, New York. Official Merchandising: Great Southern Company. Judas Priest Fan Club PO Box 4804, Macon, GA 31201.
Категория: 1984 - Defenders Of The Faith | Добавил: Cibic (19.02.2011)
Просмотров: 1753 | Теги: vinyl, Dave Holland, Tom Allom, Judas Priest, LP, Doug Johnson, Holland, Bob Halligan Jr., CBS
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